Thursday, April 21, 2011

my story.

Growing up, I was surrounded by people who served the Lord from all over the world; specifically two families in Africa. People always told me that the Lord would show me what He wanted for my life, and I vividly remember being absolutely terrified that He was going to call me to serve Him in some foreign place like Africa. I was much too selfish to even consider leaving my home, my family, my country. My prayer was that the Lord wouldn’t even consider me for serving Him in a place as “horrible” as Africa.
Then in 2008, I studied the book of James at Precept Ministries. And I read James 1:27 – “Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.”
This verse changed my heart forever. The Lord completely grabbed hold of me, and suddenly I wanted to serve Him in whatever way He saw fit, whether that be in a country on the other side of the world, or right here in Georgia.
During my senior year of high school, the opportunity arose to travel to Uganda, Africa with an organization called SafeWorld Nexus. I immediately accepted, eager for a new adventure.
Four days after graduation, the journey began; the journey that would change my life forever. I completely and totally fell in love with Africa. The people, the land, the precious orphans who desperately wanted to be loved – everything fit.
Something that I have come to realize since I returned is that I need Africa more than Africa needs me.
“It is Africa that has taught me that possessions in my hands will never be as valuable as peace in my heart. I’ve learned that I don’t need what I have and I have what I need. These are just a few of this continent’s many lessons. I came here to serve and yet I’ve found that I have so much to learn, and Africa, with all its need, has so much to teach me.”
I am now an eighteen year old college student whose prayer has drastically changed over the years. Now, I hope and pray that the Lord would bless me with the opportunity to serve Him in the beautiful country of Uganda. I pray that I will be satisfied if He leads me to stay in the States. I pray that I will use my talents to further His kingdom. I am ready to put away my predetermined thoughts of everything. I want to be clay.